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Saya akan menulis dalam 2 bahasa (Bhs indonesia dan bahasa inggris), untuk kritik dan saran serta permintaan yang lain mohon menulis pada kolom isian komen di akhir atau bagian paling bawah halaman ini.
Related to daily life phenomenon is challenging for all chemist. Student will find chemistry easier
1. Bathroom Chemical atau Kimia di kamar mandi. Tab Cleaner "NaOH type" contains sodium hydroxide and decomposes organic material by highly concentrated alkali solution, so blockage in the washbowl or toilet can be eliminated. If aluminium is added to the cleaner, reaction with water forming hydrogen and produce vortex that increase the cleaning strength. hydrogen gas is detectable, H atoms react with nitrate ions of sodium nitrate, which are added for safety.

Toilet cleaner "HSO4 ion type, it contains solid hydrogen sulphate and
react with water which is highly acidic. This acidic solution dissolve
lime spots.
Reference :
Barke, et al, 2012, Essentials of Chemical Education, Springer