
Eksperimen Kimia sederhana : The Blue-Bottle

Kimia mengajarkan kita untuk tahu apa yang ada di sekitar kita. Termasuk sebagai seorang pengajar, entah itu dosen ataupun guru akan sangat menyenangkan jika bisa menyampaikan materi kimia dengan menarik. Salah satunya adalalah dengan eksperimen kimia. Hari ini saya ikut mendampingi praktikum mata kuliah IPA di kelas calon guru SD di Muenster University, Jerman. Berikut kami sajikan satu dari beberapa percobaan kimia sederhana, contoh lain percobaan di berbagai negara juga ada di youtube:

Blue-Bottle Experiment : Reaksi kimia dalam botol berisi larutan tak berwarna, terdiri dari metilen blue, glukosa, dan larutan NaOH.
Reaksi ini adalah contoh dari reaksi redoks. Glukosa dalam larutan basa akan teroksidasi oleh oksigen yang berasal dari udara dalam botol dan secara perlahan membentuk asam glukonat. Metilen blue berfungsi sebagai oksidator untuk glukosa. Metilen Blue akan tereduksi menjadi leukometilen blue dan menghasilkan larutan tidak berwarna. setelah kita menggoyangkan botol kembali dengan tersedia oksigen dalam larutan maka leucometilen blue akan teroksidasi kembali dan menghasilkan larutan biru. Kembali didiamkan akan bening kembali dan seterusnya.


Source : Shakhashiri, B.Z. Chemical Demonstrations: A Handbook for Teachers of Chemistry


Big "Katastrophe"

This is the word I found after discussing with my supervisor. The theme is about Indonesian school system that started 2006. The government has decided some schools such as elementary, junior and senior high school included university to implement international standard class. There are some standards related to them especially in classroom learning.

The minimum instruction can be conducted in bilingual. of course English and Bahasa Indonesia. I make underlined in chemistry classes. Chemistry is one of subjects that perceived by students as difficult one. Every teacher tries to make the students well understood about the lesson in Bahasa Indonesia. But some of the students don't really know what they are learning. Can you imagine what will happen if two languages applied? is that as a big Catastrophe?


Lab School Workshop 2010

Sebelas Maret University (Solo-UNS) as one member of the Consortium of Higher Education Indonesia - Pittsburgh (KPTIP) for five days, 19-23 April 2010 hosted the "International Workshop: Establishment and Management of Laboratory Schools". International Workshop on Establishing and Managing Laboratory Schools organized by FKIP UNS UNS and the International Office at Sahid Kusuma Hotel is one of the activities of 11 (eleven)KPTIP program strategic plans. According to Chairman Panita, Dra. Dewi Rochsantiningsih, M. Ed, PhD, this workshop presents 9 (nine) speakers, two of which are:

Prof. Wendell McConnaha, Lab Director Falk School, University of Pittsburgh
Prof. This Knight, Dean Clemmer College of Education, East Tennessee State University
Other speakers of information derived from:
Desentralised Basic Education (DBE-2) USAID
State University of Malang

Workshop participants is about 40 people who came from 15 universities in Indonesia KPTIP members, LPTK FKIP Forkom members throughout Indonesia, and Higher Education in Central Java.
The purpose of this workshop is held:
improve understanding of the concept and essence Labschool college-based;
improve the ability of the formation of needs assessment / renewal Labschool;
improve the skills of identifying needs and funding sources Labschool formation;
improve preparedness for managing Labschool associated with leadership;
improve the ability of networking with stakeholders;
improve the quality of learning and the quality of self through Action Research.

Additionally this workshop also targets the formation of associations Labschool throughout Indonesia.

Desain Penelitian Kualitatif

Dalam penelitian pendidikan kita mengenal desain kualitatif, kuantitatif dan desain campuran atau lebih umum dikenal desain mixed-method. Da...